Welcome to The Sexy Thyroid Solution

Rejuvenate your slow metabolism, regain energy, and balance your hormones through personalized testing and lifestyle coaching.

Hi, I'm Angela Brown.

Well hello there, it’s nice to meet you! I’m Angela Brown and I help women overcome hypothyroidism so they can lose weight, gain energy, and get their sexy back. I know so many women who have tried to heal their thyroid on their own. They spend time, energy, and money, only to get the same, frustrating answers, time and time again. The thing is, I’ve been there, too. At 22, I was a fresh college grad working full time in physical therapy, and this is when my world changed. I had a difficult time staying awake during the day, my hair fell out in clumps, my skin was a mess, I was cold all the time, and my weight was sky-rocketing.

After a trip to the doctor and one blood test, they told me I had hypothyroidism and put me on the usual thyroid medication (Synthroid). I was hopeful this was going to do the trick … and for while it did. However, after a few months, I was back to square one and back to the doctor. They increased my medications and sent me on my way. This vicious cycle happened again and again and again, for years. I tried a different doctor… and got the same result (and the same medication). I lived this way for the next 10 years. In and out of doctor’s offices, blood test after blood test. All they did was tell me I needed to accept my symptoms. This was just life, a factor of getting older. But I wasn’t about to do that! So, I did my own research. I took courses and certifications.

After becoming a Board-Certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, I finally started getting answers. I began testing on myself and kept digging for more answers. I finally saw what all those doctors missed for all those years. I found the holistic approaches that helped get my thyroid back on track. I now feel better than I ever have before! I still have hypothyroidism today, but it is finally controlled with the correct supplements and lifestyle choices that work for my thyroid. I kept this education and practice going so I could help other women, like you, to be advocates for their health and manage their thyroid health. So why don’t you join me and get started on your Sexy Thyroid Solution?

Thyroid Services: 2 Levels of Support

Let’s work together so you can find the right solution for you and take back control of your health.

How? Through the Sexy Thyroid Solution! It is a personalized approach to your thyroid health that happens in four easy steps:

1. Testing -Functional lab tests show us the complete picture of what is impacting your thyroid hormones

2. Programming -Solutions and timelines are recommended based on your test results

3. Coaching -This is crunch time. We spend 6 months together, dedicated to you and your thyroid health

4. Control -You will have the tools and knowledge to maintain your thyroid health on your own as you graduate from the Sexy Thyroid Solution

What do the programs look like?

There are three program options based on the length of time we need together and the level of accountability and personal coaching that you want.

VIP Experience

  • The ultimate support program. This is for women who want close, personal and regular support throughout their thyroid health journey. Here, you will receive encouragement and accountability through 6 meetings over the course of 6 months. These regular touch-points make it easy to keep track of your progress and help you reach your long-term health goals through your personalized Sexy Thyroid Solution.

Thyroid Reset Experience

  • This is for women who want encouragement and support to reach their optimal thyroid health, but are confident they can do some work independently. Here, we will spend together twice a month on group calls where you still get access to testing and customized protocols. At the end of your Sexy Thyroid Solution, you will feel back in control of your health.

If you are interested in the VIP experience, it all starts with a quick phone call. Book your free strategy call and get started on your journey to thyroid health today.

Not sure where to start? You don’t have to! We will work together to match your goals and needs with the best program to get you results.
Stop relying on coffee to give you energy. Don’t get frustrated if the weight loss isn’t happening.
Now is the time to take back control of your health and find life-long solutions for a happy, healthy thyroid.

Call us today! (314) 226-3137

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