The Sexy Thyroid Solution Reset

Rejuvenate your slow metabolism, regain energy, and balance your hormones through personalized testing and lifestyle coaching.

Hello, thyroid warrior

You’re a passionate woman who loves to spend time with family and friends and kick butt at your job.

You have BIG goals to crush the day without feeling exhausted and feel confident in your own skin.

Your happiness is being active and enjoying traveling.

But lately (or maybe longer…)

  • You don't have the energy you used to. You go to sleep exhausted; you wake up exhausted, (if you can actually sleep) no matter how many hours of sleep you get.

  • Workouts that used to leave you feeling energized now leave you feeling like a train ran over you and recovering for days (or even weeks).

  • You find yourself canceling plans and vacations because you’re self-conscious and worried you can’t eat anything.

  • Nothing you do is making a difference in how you feel. You’re worried you will never feel like yourself again and love your body again.

  • You leave your doctor’s even more frustrated because they told you once again to just “go on a diet and exercise more.”

If you’re being honest with yourself…

…it feels like you're on an endless hamster wheel of fatigue and weight gain and no diet or exercise program seems to make a dent in it.

There must be another way!

And if something doesn't change? You worry you’ll miss out on time with your family and friends and won’t be able to keep up with the demands of your job.

What If...

  • What if... you were able to wake up feeling rested, energized and ready to start your day...

  • What if... you didn’t have to worry about gaining weight every time you eat and you could ditch your long workout sessions...

  • What if... you could ditch the shame and embarrassment that you feel every time you have to cancel plans because you’re exhausted and self-conscious in your clothes…

  • What if... you couldn’t wait to spend time with your family and friends because you no longer struggled with brain fog or lack of focus…

  • What if... you could have the energy that you had in your 20’s again…

Here's the problem

  • Health (especially thyroid health) is confusing! Every day there is a new 'perfect' diet that everyone is doing, and you have no idea how to eat (I mean who are you supposed to trust?)

  • You're already doing ALL. THE. THINGS: eating healthy, suffering through workouts, and practicing self-care until the cows come home.

  • Sadly, our current environment is OUT OF THIS WORLD toxic and there are all kinds of hidden toxins that are killing your metabolism (how are you to know this?)

  • Most health information on Google isn’t coming from helpful studies on women and definitely doesn’t consider personalized health history.

  • Conventional health doctors do not address the deeper causes of slow metabolism or thyroid issues. That means you walk away being told, “All your tests look normal”. or “You’re just getting older.” (Ugh, I mean how frustrating is that)

Eventually, a lot of women just give up and accept that they just have a ‘slow metabolism’ or that this is normal for women as they age.

I mean, who could blame them?

When you’re working your butt off to get results and nothing is working, it’s so easy to just give up and throw in the towel! (Trust me…I have been there.)

I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be like this. There is another way

My story of beating hypothyroidism — All Naturally

At age 22, I was a fresh college grad working as a full-time physical therapist when my whole world changed. It had become increasingly difficult staying awake during the day, my hair started falling out in clumps, my skin was a mess, I was cold all the time, and my weight was skyrocketing.

After a trip to the doctor and one blood test, they told me I had hypothyroidism and put me on the usual thyroid medication (Synthroid). I was hopeful this was going to do the trick … and for while it did. However, after a few months, I was back to square one and back to the doctor. They increased my medications and sent me on my way.

This vicious cycle happened again and again and again, for years. I tried a different doctor… but was told the same thing (and put back on the same medication). I lived this way for the next 10 years. In and out of doctor’s offices, blood test after blood test. All they did was tell me I needed to accept my symptoms. This was just life, a factor of getting older. But I wasn’t about to do that! So, I did my own research, took courses and ultimately became a certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). It was at this point that I FINALLY started getting answers. I began testing on myself and kept digging for more answers. I finally saw what all those doctors missed for all those years.

I found the holistic approaches that helped get my thyroid back on track. I now feel better than I ever have before! I still have hypothyroidism today, but it is finally controlled with the correct supplements and lifestyle choices that work for my thyroid. As an FDN-P, I now help other women, like you, to be advocates for their health and manage their thyroid health.

That is why it is my mission to show you a clear path to improve your thyroid health from the inside out — because I know how good it feels being on the other side of it and I want that for you, too.

What Clients are Saying:

“Thank you, Angela, for helping me to process some hard truths, not take the easy outs and for teaching me to
love my body enough to start treating it really well. Thank you for forcing me to view weight loss as the byproduct and not the goal. I’m living my absolute best life right now, manifesting some amazing things into my world and we have only just begun.
I’m so glad that I decided to trust you!!

~~ Angela H.

“Several years ago I was in an unhealthy place - weight wouldn’t come off despite my level of activity, persistent pain, and swelling to the point that I couldn’t wear familiar jewelry. Luckily, I knew Angela and her personal journey, which led to a career change into functional nutrition.

She has helped me regain my health, address unknown malnutrition, and eliminate the pain/swelling. I even received compliments from my physicians on improved test results.

Angela’s course is totally worth the investment.”

~~ Kate T.

"I would never be where I am today without Angela's knowledge and guidance. Angela uses a natural approach, addresses the entire body as a whole, and then feeds your body the correct nutrients it requires to function at optimal levels.
Angela is what true healthcare should be!!!"

~~ Kelly S.

Rejuvenate your slow metabolism, regain energy, and balance your hormones through personalized testing and lifestyle coaching

Why is The Sexy Thyroid Reset Different?

There are thyroid programs out there but most of them aren’t utilizing functional medicine and lab testing (besides blood). The ones that do exist fail to seek the deeper root causes.

Instead, they recommend random supplements and diets that don’t fix the actual problem. That’s not going to work!

The Sexy Thyroid Reset incorporates lab testing plus walks you through the straightforward steps that combines wholefood nutrition with customized lab testing so we can determine the real cause of your fatigue and weight gain (or weight loss resistance) without wasting your money on supplements or time-consuming practices that don’t work.

Why I'm Different

  • I've been in your shoes! I've suffered from hypothyroidism and am not symptom-free (have been symptom-free for over 9 years)

  • I've spent years studying the root causes of a slow metabolism

  • I'm trained in Functional Lab Testing so I will be able to uncover your root cause

  • I'm 100% results driven - I am deeply committed to your transformation

  • I'll teach you EVERYTHING you need to know and help you implement it

  • I care deeply for you, your struggle and seeing you succeed

How it Works

The Sexy Thyroid Reset starts as soon as you enroll! That means you’ll get access to the entire program as soon as you claim your spot.

We'll start off with targeted testing to uncover what's driving your slow metabolism. I'll develop a plan specifically designed to fix your metabolism and improve your thyroid health. From there, I'll move you through the Sexy Thyroid Solution method.

Module Breakdown:

Step 1

Mindset Matters First stop: Let’s release any negative beliefs that might be triggering your thyroid (or body) to malfunction, and rewire your brain to support your thyroid, hormones, and the rest of your body so that you can live a life that feels lighter, more energized and no longer have negative thoughts about your body.

Step 2

Eating for your Thyroid Stop the guessing game! I’m going to show you EXACTLY what foods are good for you, so you’ll know with confidence exactly what to eat and what’s going to slow your thyroid down, so you never have to feel conflicted about food again.

Step 3

De-Stress your Thyroid and Sleep Like a Thyroid Boss Did you know that stress can directly impact your thyroid? In this module we’ll identify your exact stressors and show you how to handle whatever comes your way with ease, instead of letting it completely derail you. Your body is resilient, it just needs to be given the chance to do so! You will also learn how to finally get a full night's sleep to fuel your entire day...and no longer even need caffeine (yes, really!)

Step 4

Detox for your Thyroid
Fatigue, weight gain, and hair loss are all signs that your body is holding onto toxins and in dire need of a detox! Plus, the majority of the thyroid hormone conversion happens in the liver, but if your liver is “clogged up”, this just doesn't happen, leading to a slow thyroid. Learn how to gently detox your liver and remove toxins so they’re no longer stored in the body and your thyroid and liver can resume normal function.

Step 5

Fix your Gut
(Psst! It has a direct impact on your thyroid!) Bloating, constipation, indigestion, and heartburn are some of the most common gut issues that are indicators you likely have a slow thyroid. I’ll show you how the two systems are directly interrelated and the exact steps you can take to improve your gut health so that your thyroid can finally be happy.

Step 6

Minerals and Hormones Minerals and hormones have a massive impact on your overall health, but definitely connect to your thyroid and metabolism. Learn how to balance your minerals and hormones so your metabolism works efficiently, and you no longer struggle with weight gain, exhaustion and feeling hormonal.

What you’ll get:

Access to pre-recorded modules from my signature program (lifetime access)

You will have access to over 12 hours of video content, cheat sheets, guides, educational material, worksheets and more.  My goal is to give you as much information as I can so you can get back to feeling like yourself again as quickly as possible. 

Bi-Weekly Group Coaching Calls (6 months of access)

Twice a month, you can hop on a zoom call for up to 60-minutes with your fellow Sexy Thyroid Solution members and myself or one of the coaches. We will be there to celebrate your wins; help you work through challenges and answer any of your questions that come up as you work your way through the program. 

Unlimited Support inside the private Facebook group (6 months of access)

Got a question in between calls? Need support? I’ll be there to answer your questions in the private Facebook group Monday through Friday, I’ll respond to support you in whatever way I can. You’ll never have to feel alone again. Tag us with your questions, concerns or challenges and you’re guaranteed to get a response within 1-business day. 

Weekly Accountability Check-ins (6 months of access)

Let’s be honest, it’s easy to fall off the wagon when you’re the only one keeping yourself accountable. Every week, I’ll check in with you to make sure that you’re staying on track and executing The Sexy Thyroid Solution. And if you do fall off track? I’ll be there to help you come up with a realistic plan to get you back on track. 

Access to functional medicine lab testing (6 months of access)

Ready to customize what supplements to take, foods to eat, and so on?  You will get a metabolism test immediately when you join.  And you will also have access to purchase additional testing whenever you want in the program.  

3-Month Supply of a Customized Mineral Powder

Customized mineral powder based on your HTMA (metabolism) test results (3 month supply)

“Girl, these past 6 years have been leading up to a literal hell on earth for me. I was absolutely a shell of the person I thought I knew myself to be. My life was going down the wrong path. I just felt like complete shit. It was feeling very hopeless. I was living off of Adderall… even most months buying extra from a person I knew. I’ve never shared that with anyone. It made me feel like such a weak loser…which just added more fuel to myself deprecation and added financial burden to my already unstable state. Not to mention what it was inevitably doing to my HEART and body.

I know I have a ways to go. But for the first time in a LONG time, I FINALLY feel like I have stepped on the right path.

FINALLY, a life without Adderall feels possible! My moods have stabilized. I’m not constantly switching from anger to loving to a severely depressed person 20 times a day! I feel myself coming back. And it literally makes me want to cry tears of joy.

Thank you for sharing your gift and your story with the world! ❤️❤️❤️”

~~ Annette W.

“Several years ago, I was in an unhealthy place - weight wouldn’t come off despite my level of activity, persistent pain, and swelling to the point that I couldn’t wear familiar jewelry. Luckily, I knew Angela and her personal journey, which led to a career change into functional nutrition.

She has helped me regain my health, address unknown malnutrition, and eliminate the pain/swelling.
I even received compliments from my physicians on improved test results.

Angela’s course is totally worth the investment.”

~~ Kate T.

"I was trying my hardest to address my thyroid myself. I read so many books and did all the research I could. My doctor was unable to help so I was ready to give up! Then I met Angela on Instagram and my life changed! I am able to work a full day without falling asleep at my desk and I am more productive at my job!"

~~ Christine R.


  • Women who have hypothyroidism and/or Hashimoto’s

  • Women who are looking for a holistic solution to solving their slow metabolism (may or may not have a thyroid diagnosis)

  • Women who are looking for a long-term solution to their thyroid issues

Who is this program not for?

  • Women who are looking for a quick fix (fixing your metabolism is a process and can take time)

  • Women who are looking for drugs or prescriptions to fix their slow metabolism (I’m not a licensed MD so I can’t prescribe drugs)

  • Women who aren’t ready to commit to their health

  • Men since this program is specifically designed for helping women

If you want to experience less fatigue, have more energy, and finally lose weight then The Sexy Thyroid Reset is the perfect place for you to start!

Let’s break down what you get when you join The Sexy Thyroid Reset

The Sexy Thyroid Solution Reset (lifetime access)

Unlimited Facebook Support (6 months access)

Weekly Accountability Check-ins (6 months access)

Access to Functional Lab Testing (6 months access)

Exclusive Facebook Community (6 months access)

Bi-weekly Group Coaching calls (6 months access)

3-month supply of a customized mineral powder

Are you ready to leave those unwanted pounds and the soul-crushing fatigue behind and start experiencing the energy you did in your 20’s and a faster metabolism with The Sexy Thyroid Solution Reset?

Let’s ditch that slow metabolism once and for all and do this together right now!

Client Success Stories

“In February of 2021 I started a protocol with a goal of improving my minerals and working on my adrenals. My thyroid labs weren't terrible but not optimal. In May, I retested with improvement in minerals. In August I hit my optimal goal weight. In October I finished walking in a half marathon: 13.1 miles and I was 20 mins faster than previous times.

Angela provided me with enough information to make good decisions about my health and the direction I want to go in. In addition, she gives me the ""why"" it's not good, not just scientific/medical terminology but actual everyday life reasons.

She consistently answers questions and provides support/positive reinforcement.

If what you are doing now isn't working, then you have nothing to lose working with Angela.

The resources she provides and how much support. She checks in just because. She cares and wants her clients to succeed.” ~~ Kristen W.

"I just wanted to thank you so much for everything you have done! For opening my eyes to a different way of testing, and for ripping that Band-Aid off for what has been causing my thyroid to be so sluggish and my hormones to be so crazy! I may have more work to do but I’m feeling so much better than I did 3 months ago. Thank you!"

~~ Lizz R.

"I feel so much better about my body and know in my heart that finding you happened for a reason!

I wish I had started working with you years ago! I now know what is slowing my thyroid down and no longer need thyroid medication! Angela, you are a lifesaver. I am so grateful for you!”

~~ Jennifer

  • If you’ve been searching everywhere for straightforward advice about thyroid health and metabolism…

  • If you’re ready to make lasting lifestyle changes and move beyond this vicious cycle

  • If you are confused by all the information out there and don’t know where to start

  • If you want to get back to living life

……. consider this is the sign that you needed and have been waiting for

Listen…you don’t have to figure it all out by yourself anymore (it’s too stressful!). Inside this step-by-step program, we’ll give you the exact tools you need so you can feel like yourself again and get rid of those pesky thyroid symptoms that are slowing you down.

Plus, enroll now and receive 4 Exclusive Bonuses!

Bonus #1: How to Interpret your thyroid test results

Bonus #2: How different thyroid medications affect your body

Bonus #3: Oral care and thyroid connection

Bonus #4: My favorite thyroid-friendly products

Bonus #5: Thyroid-friendly recipes and ideas for your meals and snacks

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the program start?

Anxious to get started?  The program is open for enrollment now!

When does the program end?

You will have lifetime access to the program content inside Practice Better.  You will have 6 months access to the LIVE calls and private Facebook group.

Will there be recordings for the calls?

Yep!  All calls are recorded, and you will have access to all recordings while inside the program for 6 months.

Is this program only for women?

Yes.  I have worked hard with creating this program specifically geared for women. 

How does it work with paying for The Sexy Thyroid Reset?

The Sexy Thyroid Reset does require a 4-figure investment. You’ll have the option to pay in full or access one of our generous payment plans. I am happy to discuss the best payment option for you as well.  

Are supplements included?

Yes, a 3-month supply of your customized mineral powder will be included. Any supplement recommendations from other testing are not included.

How long until I see results?

Everyone is so unique so it is hard to say how quick you will see results. But most women start noticing changes by 2-3 months as long as they are following their protocol. 

What is your refund policy?

If you aren’t happy with your results, then you can get an additional 60 days in the program. 

Can I do this program while on thyroid medication?

Yes!  You absolutely can! 

What tests are included in the program?

You will receive a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) test when you join the program.  You will also receive a video recording of your results along with a customized protocol. 

Do I have access to Angela and her team inside the program?

You definitely do!  You will have access to ask questions inside the private Facebook group as well as on the live calls twice a month.  You have the option to upgrade to VIP access, so you get private coaching calls and messaging.  

Can I purchase additional testing?

Yes, you can.  You will have access to purchase testing anytime while you are in the program.  Once you have completed the program, you can join the monthly membership of $99 a month after that. This will give you access to Angela still as well the ability to purchase testing.  

How do I purchase testing if I am not in the program anymore?

You will only be able to purchase testing if you are in the program or membership.  

How often are the LIVE calls?

Angela holds calls twice a month at a set day and time. 

Can I upgrade to the VIP access anytime?

Absolutely! You can upgrade anytime you like while you are in the group coaching program, so you get one-on-one coaching and unlimited private messaging. 

I personally cannot wait to guide you on your thyroid journey……

Using the same tools, I teach in this program literally transformed my life. I have experienced first-hand what it feels like to go from being miserable and tried to having the energy I need to function and no longer feeling defeated.

More than anything, I want to share this with you today.

If you are struggling with your own thyroid health and metabolism, you owe it to yourself to at least take a risk-free plunge to see what life could be like with better thyroid health.

I know this will be completely and utterly life-changing for you. I look forward to hearing your wins and helping you on your journey!

All my best,

Angela Brown

Call us today! (314) 226-3137

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